Source code for whimsy.suite

from os import getcwd

from uid import uid

[docs]class TestSuite(object): ''' An object containing a collection of tests, represents a completely self-contained testing unit. That is, if it should be able to be ran without relying on any other suites running. .. note:: In order for TestSuite objects to be enumerated by the test system this class' :code:`__new__` method must be called. The loader class will monkey patch this method in order to enumerate suites. ''' def __init__(self, name, tests=tuple(), tags=None, fixtures=None, fail_fast=True): ''' :param name: Name of the TestSuite :param tags: Iterable of tags to mark this suite and all containted tests with. :param tests: An interable of test cases. If is a TestList the heirarchy will be maintained. :param fail_fast: If True indicates the first test to fail in the test suite will cause the execution of the test suite to halt. ''' self.testlist = TestList(tests) self.fail_fast = fail_fast self._name = name if fixtures is None: fixtures = {} elif not isinstance(fixtures, dict): fixtures = { fixture for fixture in fixtures} self.fixtures = fixtures if tags is None: tags = set() self.tags = set(tags) self._path = getcwd() @property def name(self): return self._name @property def path(self): return self._path @property def uid(self): return uid(self, TestSuite.__name__) @property def testcases(self): ''' Return a tuple containing all the test cases this TestSuite holds. ''' return tuple((testcase for testcase in self))
[docs] def iter_testlists(self): ''' Iterate through tests yielding a tuple of the containing TestList and the TestCase. :returns: iterator of :code:`(testlist, testcase)` objects. ''' return self.testlist.iter_keep_containers()
def __iter__(self): '''Iterates over all the contained test cases in this suite.''' return iter(self.testlist) def __len__(self): '''Returns the number of test cases in this suite.''' return len(self.testlist)
[docs] def append(self, item): '''Adds the given TestCase or TestList to this TestSuite''' self.testlist.append(item)
[docs] def extend(self, items): '''Adds the given TestCases or TestLists to this TestSuite''' self.testlist.extend(items)
if __debug__: # This is a method that will be created by the test loader in order to # manually remove a suite. See the TestLoader load_file description for # more details. __no_collect__ = NotImplemented
[docs]class SuiteList(object): ''' Container class for test suites which provides some utility functions. ''' def __init__(self, suites=[]): self.suites = [] self.suites.extend(suites) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.suites) def __len__(self): return len(self.suites)
[docs] def append(self, item): self.suites.append(item)
[docs] def extend(self, items): self.suites.extend(items)
[docs] def iter_fixtures(self): ''' Return an iterable of all fixtures of all TestSuites and their contained TestCases in this collection. .. note:: Will return duplicates if fixtures are duplicated across test cases. ''' for suite in self: for fixture in suite.fixtures.values(): yield fixture for testcase in suite.testcases: for fixture in testcase.fixtures.values(): yield fixture
def __add__(self, other): return SuiteList(super(list, self).__add__(self, other))
[docs]class TestList(object): ''' Container class for :class:`whimsy.test.TestCase` objects which provides some utility functions for iteration as well as the fail_fast variable. A TestList can be heirarchical, in which case iteration yields tests in in-order traversal. ''' def __init__(self, items=[], fail_fast=False): ''' :param fail_fast: If any TestCase fails in this TestList, all remaing tests in this collection should be skipped. ''' self.fail_fast = fail_fast self.items = [] if isinstance(items, TestList): self.append(items) else: self.extend(items) def _iter(self, keep_containers): # We can't use the _util iter_recursively function to do this since we # have defined a unusual __iter__ for item in self.items: if isinstance(item, TestList): # Recurse into that list. for item_of_item in item._iter(keep_containers): yield item_of_item else: if keep_containers: yield (self, item) else: yield item
[docs] def iter_keep_containers(self): ''' Iterate through tests yielding a tuple of the containing TestList and the TestCase. :returns: iterator of :code:`(testlist, testcase)` objects. ''' return self._iter(True)
[docs] def iter_tests(self): '''Iterate in-order over all contained tests.''' return self._iter(False)
def __iter__(self): '''Iterate in-order over all contained tests.''' return self.iter_tests() def __len__(self): '''Return the number of tests contained in this tree.''' return len(self.items)
[docs] def append(self, item): '''Add the item to the end of this TestList.''' self.items.append(item)
[docs] def extend(self, items): '''Add the items to the end of this TestList.''' self.items.extend(items)